2009年4月4日 星期六

ym4r memo(3)

#有時候你要秀上千個marker的時候, 你可以利用這個來指定在哪個zoom 的範圍下, 才會有
It is a recent (v2.67) GMaps API class that manages the efficient display of potentially thousands of markers. It is similar to the Clusterer (see below) since markers start appearing at specified zoom levels. The clustering behaviour has to be managed explicitly though by specifying the cluster for smaller zoom levels and specify the expanded cluster for larger zoom levels and so on. Note that it is not an overlay and is not added to the map through an overlay_init call.

也是用在markers 很多的情況下, 讓它小到在只有某個數目的markers的時候才會出現
A Clusterer is a type of overlay that contains a potentially very large group of markers. It is engineered so markers close to each other and undistinguishable from each other at some level of zoom, appear as only one marker on the map at that level of zoom. Therefore it is possible to have a very large number of markers on the map at the same time and not having the map crawl to a halt in order to display them.

===GeoRss Overlay
從rss 拿 位置
An group of markers taken from a Rss feed containing location information in the W3C basic geo (WGS83 lat/lon) vocabulary and in the Simple GeoRss format

===Adding new map types
沒看 XD
It is now possible to easily add new map types, on top of the already existing ones, like G_SATELLITE_MAP or G_NORMAL_MAP. The imagery for these new map types can come from layers of the standard map types or can be taken either from a WMS server or from pretiled images on a server (that can be generated with a tool that comes with the YM4R gem: refer to the README of the gem to know more about it).

===Local Search
試不出來 @@
Local Search control has been added to the map and control objects. There are two places you need to implement it to get it to work. This is because the local search control needs an additional library added to the import as well as the control added to the map.
