Advanced MySQL Replication Techniques
如果要同時使用兩台db, 而且又需要互相replication 那麼就需要這兩個 auto_increment_increment, auto_increment_offset 參數, 這是為了讓兩邊自動增加的 primary key 像是id 不要一致, 這樣相互repliaction 的時候才不會有相同的id 出現
如果出現問題的時候, 就先看error log, 找不到log 時, 就直接設參數
log-error = /var/log/mysql/error.log
連不上, 為啥會連不上勒, telnet 3306 一下, 真的連不上 = =+
到103 查了一下 才發現上面的mysql server port 開在4040 囧
改好之後就連上了 = =+
還有有問題的時候可以在用show slave status 看一下, 像上面有問題的情況就會看到
Slave_IO_Running 是NO
Slave_IO_State 是Connecting to master
表示連到master 那邊有問題
Slave_IO_Running 是yes
Slave_IO_State 是Waiting for master to send event
據High performance Mysql 書上的建議
別再把slave 連master 的 master_host, master_port 的設定放在my.cnf 裡, 可能會有問題而且沒有啥優點
MASTER_LOG_POS=0 , 0不是指真正的log position 而是指at the start of log file
Waiting for master to send event 意思是 has fetched all of the master's binary logs
sync_binlog=1 , This makers MySQL synchronize the binary log's contents to disk each time it commits a transaction, so you dont lose log events if there's a crash
innodb_flush_logs_at_trx_commit=1 #Flush every log write
innodb_support_xa=1 #MySQL 5.0 and newer only
innodb_safe_binlog #MySQL 4.1 only
skip_slave_start will prevent the slave from starting automatically after a crash, which can give you a chance to repair a server if it has problems.
Even if you have enabled all the options we suggested, a slave can easily break after a crash, because the relay logs and file are not crash-safe. They are not even flushed to disk, and there is no configuration option to control that behavior