不過作者說了 whoever is maintaining our SVN repository is trying to do something clever with HTTPS and it isn't working 100% yet :) Try grabbing it directly from our repository into your Rails app with Subversion like this (you should execute this command from within your Rails app's root directory): svn export https://svn.elctech.com/svn/public/sortable_column_headers ./vendor/plugins/sortable_column_headers
The controller supplies data to the view, and the controller receives back events from the pages generated by the views The interactions , support for views and controllers in Rails is bundled into a single component , Action Pack
View Support view 中的一些動態內容 大都是由controller的action由model取來的資料運用產生的 而Rails支援動態產生內容的格式有 rhtml, rxml, rjs ,這些格式在Rails被稱為template
Object/Relational Mapping ORM 把datebase table mapping 到class。如果有database table叫orders, 那就有相對應個class叫做Order. tables correspond to classes. rows in a table correspond to objects of the class
透過ORM,把database整個物件化,讓我們不用直接存取 database data
example: order = Order.find(1) puts "Order #{order.custom_id}, amount=#{order.amount}"
Order.find(:all, :conditions => "name='lake'") do |order| puts order.amount order.discount = 0.5 order.save end